Disregarded Sins

by Rick Combs

“I don’t sin!”, one self-righteous saint might exclaim. Oh really.

This following list was part of a lesson taught by Justin Johnson of Grace Ambassadors. I thought this section was particularly important. We think of sin as the BIG outward sins which can lead us into self-righteousness if we are not careful. But we often forget about these inner and often hidden sins. This was one of the falls of the Pharisaical religious system of Jesus’ day.

4. Disregarded Sins
a. The sins of Sodom (pride, fulness of bread, idleness, etc.)– Eze 16:49-50, Prov 6:16-19, 11:1, 11:20, 16:5, 17:15, 21:27, 24:9
b. Sins of the mouth (3rd and 9th command – speech laws) – Ps 59:12, Matt 5:11
c. “Female sins” (men too) – whisperings, compromise, complaining, discontent – Phi 2:14,
    1Tim 6:8
d. Fearful, full of care, inconsideration, grudge, carnal mind, covet, contention – Pro 13:10
e. Anything we should do, but don’t – Eph 2:10, Titus 3:8

5. Paul’s Sins
a. Sin against the weaker brother – 1 Cor 8:12
b. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin – Rom 14:23
c. Good intentions, but doing wrong – Rom 7:18
d. Not glorying in God or being thankful – Rom 1:21-22, ignorance 1:25-28
e. Not praying or rejoicing in the Lord – 1 Thess 5:16-17
f. Serving our own desires and pleasures – Titus 3:3, Eph 2:2-3
g. Disobedient to gospel, teaching other doctrine – 2 Thes 1:8, Gal 1:9, 2 Cor 4:2, 1Ti 1:3

Sin is ever present in our human flesh (body). As the redeemed, we are given a choice as to what we will yield to and walk in, the flesh or the Spirit. Paul admonishes us to walk in the Spirit according to the revelation of the mystery in Paul’s epistles.

This is NOT a list of “dos and don’ts” but should be regarded as inner attitudes. Our focus is to get the Word of God into our minds and souls which will transform us (Romans 12:1-2). These inner attitudes will take care of themselves.  

Because of the grace of God that “reigns….”, our circumcision made without hands guarantees that our action of sin does not affect our inner man (soul/spirit), [Colossians 2:11] and God does not see it. But it does affect our lives on earth and can do reputable damage to our peace, witness, and ministry.

May we grow into maturity through the Word which produces a godly lifestyle of righteousness, especially in the heart.

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