About this website

In March 2020, I wrote my first Facebook post relating some of the basics of Christianity. I thought I would write some short articles at the rate of about one a week for a while. Three or four months later, the posts exploded with hundreds of viewers reading them. Inspired, I kept writing and writing. In the summer of that year, the publication of a book commenced through Trilogy Christian Publishers. Biblical Christianity 101 – Basics Of The Faith For A New Generation was released on December 24, 2020.

The Facebook posts were piling up with numerous requests for various topics streaming in. Plus, another book, Collections 1&2 Collections now available as well as Behind The Cross with a 5th book on the way. I realized that it was time to create a platform for my writings… and this is it.

My goal is to present the basics of our Christian Faith. It is truly Christianity 101 – made clear.  For the most part, today’s teachings of the gospel and the doctrines of the church are “muddied” and “unclear”. They are confusing. Instead of tickling peoples ears with fables that appeal to the lusts of the flesh, I want to give a clear and concise presentation of sound doctrine. I am not perfect, and I do not understand everything about The Faith. But I do understand the basics.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.” 2 Timothy 4:3.

That’s what this website is all about…

Rick Combs